The Grey Gardens Brooch - Edie's Reproduction Brooch
Our Brooch is Now Celebrating 20 Years!

$299 plus shipping & handling
As Seen in the Award Winning HBO Hit Film Starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange

The Grey Gardens Brooch is as unique and fascinating as Edith Bouvier Beale herself.
This is a fabulous re-creation of her trademark bejeweled golden brooch.
This semi-surreal brooch that accessorized every "Revolutionary Costume" in the movie Grey Gardens is now available to the most discerning collector.

This brooch is worn by Drew Barrymore
in the HBO Film Production: Grey Gardens.
Christine Ebersole wore the Grey Gardens Brooch in her Tony Award winning performance of Big & Little Edith Bouvier Beale in the Broadway production of
Grey Gardens The Musical.
The Grey Gardens Brooch is four inches long, handmade in brass and gold, with jewels.
"To David, You Saved The Show!" ~ Bill Hader

Bill Hader, as "Little Vivvy", wears The Grey Gardens Broach in the hilarious spoof of Grey Gardens in the IFC "Documentary Now" series.
Keep the line between the past and the present ...
... When you're wearing this exquisite
re-creation of the Legendary Brooch worn by
Miss Edith Bouvier Beale in the film Grey Gardens
This High Quality Brooch features sparkling jewels stunningly set in gold and brass.

$299 plus shipping & handling
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